Adding new PN terms or expressions

Cite your sources!

Remember that it is absolutely crucial to record the source of any expressions in the relevant docstrings, including a link to the relevant paper. If the terms or expressions in a given function come from more than one source, use comments inside the code itself to clarify exactly which parts come from which source.

The first step in actually adding new information is to decide where it fits in the hierarchy described in the "Code structure" page. Most likely, you will want to add new terms to existing PN expressions, and possibly simple functions in PostNewtonian.DerivedVariables.

Existing code should be a good guide on how to do this. However, it may appear as if some magic is happening in the various PN expressions, whereby variables like M₁, χ⃗₂, ν, Λ, etc., can be used without being defined. These are automatically computed by way of the @pn_expression macro. Also note that to correctly truncate a PN expansion at the desired order, the @pn_expansion macro must be used.

To make it easier to compare code to original sources, we also want to keep the code looking as similar as possible to equations as given in those sources, so try to keep variable names the same, and order things in the same ways as in the sources. (Don't worry about rewriting expressions to optimize evaluation; Julia will probably do a better job automatically anyway.) There are, however, a few important exceptions to this rule:

  1. If you need any new variables to be computed from the "fundamental variables", you should define them in the PostNewtonian.DerivedVariables module. This will ensure that they can be automatically computed using the @pn_expression.

  2. It is crucial to explicitly include factors of $1/c$ to the appropriate power relative to the 0-pN order term inside the @pn_expansion macro. For example, the first couple terms in the binding energy expansion look like

    32/5G * ν^2 * v^10 / c^5 * @pn_expansion(1 + (v/c)^2 * (-1247//336 - 35ν/12))

    The 1/c^5 factor at the beginning is useful to remind us of the absolute order of this expression, but the 1/c^2 factor inside the @pn_expansion macro is crucial to ensure that the expression can be correctly truncated at the desired order. Thus, if you want to add a new 6-pN term to the binding energy, you could either manually code it inside the @pn_expansion expression, including its 1/c^12 factor, or you could create a separate function that should look like this:

    @pn_expression function binding_energy_6pn(pnsystem::PNSystem)
        32/5G * ν^2 * v^12 / c^5 * @pn_expansion((v/c)^12 * 17//4)

    Note that we have kept the 1/c^5 factor out front, and the 1/c^12 factor inside the @pn_expansion macro. This tells the compiler that this is a 6-pN term, so if the user requests a lower pN order, the term should be ignored.

  3. It should be possible to evaluate PN expressions using different precisions. To ensure this, enter fractions as Irrationals — e.g., 9//5 instead of 9/5. The latter would be immediately converted to the inexact 64-bit float value 1.8, which would poison other values. Note that if you are multiplying by something else that already has general float type, as in 9π/5, you don't need to use Irrational; in this case, is evaluated first and achieves full precision, and is then divided by the exact integer 5, so that it retains full precision. Note that a helpful regex to search for this case is (?<!(ζ|n|\^))[0-9]+/[0-9], which has relatively few false positives in this repo.

  4. A slight caveat to the above is that an expression like 3λ/2 could still be converted to Float64 if λ is defined at compile time to be 0. For type-stability reasons, Julia will always treat 0/2 just like it would treat 7/2, which is converted to Float64. Thus, it is probably safest to write expressions like 3//2 * λ.

  5. If you happen to use any other math functions, similarly ensure that their arguments are converted appropriately to retain precision. For unary functions, this can be done automatically by including the function name in the unary_funcs list used by @pn_expression.