Using this package from Python

While not quite as natural as calling Python code from Julia, it is very easy to call Julia code from Python. The process is essentially the same as using any other Python package, other than installing Julia itself and any dependencies within Julia that you may need (both of which are much easier than similar tasks in Python).

Be careful of using unicode in Python!

Every effort is made to ensure that users of this package can always use plain ASCII — even though this package uses Unicode internally and in many of the examples found in this documentation. For example, if keyword arguments are accepted as Unicode, ASCII equivalents are usually also accepted. Some function names are similarly in Unicode, but have ASCII equivalents. See the various functions' documentation for acceptable replacements.

It can be dangerous to use Unicode in Python in particular. Python only accepts a small subset of Unicode — so that M₁ for example is not valid input. And what it does accept is automatically "NFKC normalized". For example, variable names Mₐ, Ma, and Mᵃ are all treated identically by Python. To illustrate this, consider the following python code:

>>> Mₐ = 1
>>> Mᵃ = 2
>>> Ma = 3
>>> print((Mₐ, Mᵃ, Ma))
(3, 3, 3)

We might have expected three different values (1, 2, 3) in the output, but Python never even sees the variable names as different strings; it interprets these expressions as setting, resetting, and resetting again the value of Ma.

If you find an example where ASCII substitutions are not possible, please file a bug report.


0. Optionally pre-install Julia

If you'll want to use Julia from outside of Python, install Julia first with the juliaup installer.

1. Install the sxs python package

While not strictly necessary, the sxs python package is very useful for providing a general interface to waveforms, and will automatically install the PostNewtonian package and its dependencies (and even Julia, if necessary).

If you use conda, just run something like[1]

conda install -c conda-forge sxs numba::numba numba::llvmlite

If you prefer pip, use

python -m pip install sxs
Avoid segfaults on macOS

If using conda/mamba on macOS, you must install the correct versions of numba and llvmlite, or you will get segfaults. Specifically, you must include the numba:: prefix to select the correct anaconda channel, as shown in the command given above. A more permanent solution is to run the following commands:

conda config --set channel_priority strict
conda config --add channels conda-forge --prepend channels numba

This will automatically choose the correct versions of numba and llvmlite for your system, without the need to explicitly use the numba:: prefix ever again.

2. Install Julia and PostNewtonian.jl

The following line will take a few minutes to install Julia (if necessary), then download and compile all the necessary Julia packages.

python -c 'from sxs import julia'

Testing the installation

Import this package first

When using this package from Python with any other non-standard libraries — like scri or lal — you should always import sxs.julia or one of its components first in your Python session. This is because those packages may use the same compiled libraries as this package, in the form of shared objects, like libfftw3. But because Python packaging is so desperately bad, the libraries that come with Python packages are often quite old and will interfere with the operation of this package. Loading this package first ensures that newer versions of the libraries are loaded, which will typically be backwards compatible.

Start up a python session and run something like this:

# Any python imports you need go here
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Start the Julia session
from sxs.julia import PNWaveform

# Declare the essential parameters
M1 = 0.5
M2 = 0.5
chi1 = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3]
chi2 = [-0.2, 0.1, -0.3]
Omega_i = 0.01

# Call `sxs` wrapper for Julia functions
w = PNWaveform(M1, M2, chi1, chi2, Omega_i)

# Plot the magnitudes of all the modes as functions of time
plt.semilogy(w.t, np.abs(

The sxs.julia.PNWaveform function is a simple wrapper that calls orbital_evolution and inertial_waveform, then wraps the result in an sxs.WaveformModes object, with all the usual methods and properties, as well as several additional fields relevant to post-Newtonian waveforms:

  • M1 (array): The primary mass as a function of time.
  • M2 (array): The secondary mass as a function of time.
  • chi1 (array): The primary spin as a function of time.
  • chi2 (array): The secondary spin as a function of time.
  • frame (array): The quaternionic frame as a function of time.
  • v (array): The orbital velocity as a function of time.
  • orbital_phase (array): The orbital phase as a function of time.

The input arguments for sxs.julia.PNWaveform are mostly the same as for orbital_evolution, except that the keyword argument inertial will switch whether the returned waveform will be in the inertial frame (the default of True) or the coorbital frame (False), and the keyword arguments ell_min, ell_max, and waveform_pn_order will be intercepted and passed to inertial_waveform or coorbital_waveform correspondingly.

Full Julia interface from Python

In general, you can now call any function from the Julia PostNewtonian package by running

from sxs.julia import PostNewtonian

and then calling the function just as you would if you had run import PostNewtonian in Julia. That is, any of the functions given in the rest of this documentation should be available in Python, just as they would be in Julia. (Again, note that all function names and arguments should have ASCII equivalents to use from Python.)

You can also evaluate arbitrary Julia code by prefixing PostNewtonian. to the command, or as a fallback write Julia code as a string and pass it to PostNewtonian.seval("<Julia code goes here>"). Simple examples include

>>> PostNewtonian.println("Hello from Julia!")
Hello from Julia!
>>> x = PostNewtonian.seval("1+2")
>>> x

See the documentation for juliacall here for more details.

Whenever they correspond naturally to built-in Python types — like int, float, str, etc. — the returned objects will be converted to such Python objects. Otherwise, the returned objects will be wrappers around Julia Vectors, Matrixes, or more generally shaped Arrays. Usually, you will be able to pass these objects directly to Python functions. If you really need a numpy array, you can use the to_numpy() method that the wrappers will support.

Of course, it is much simpler to call Python code from Julia, so if you find yourself using a lot of Julia code, you may want to consider flipping your approach.

  • 1As general advice, you should run conda install -y mamba -n base -c conda-forge, and then just use the command mamba wherever you would have used conda; mamba is a complete drop-in replacement, but is much faster because it's written in C instead of python. For example, mamba create -n julia_pn python numpy matplotlib will typically run faster than the command given here. This becomes a huge advantage when the env has lots of dependencies.