
This package computes orbital dynamics of and waveforms from binary black-hole systems, in the post-Newtonian approximation. Currently, general precessing quasispherical systems are supported, but support for eccentric systems is still upcoming.


If you intend to use this package via Python, see this page for installation instructions.

It is recommended to use this package with Julia version 1.9 or greater, because of that version's improved pre-compilation caching. If you find it very slow the first time you use functions from this package in a new Julia session, that is most likely because Julia has to compile a lot of code. Version 1.9 does a better job of caching that compiled code, which speeds up your first-time usage.

If you haven't installed Julia yet, you probably want to use juliaup to do so. You'll probably also want to use a Julia "project environment" specifically for using this package. An easy way to do this is to create a directory, cd into that directory, and then run julia as

julia --project=.

Then, installation of this package involves the usual commands:

using Pkg

Quick start

An example with slightly more explanation is given under "High-level interface", and of course the rest of this documentation goes into far more detail. Here we see a simple example to start things off.


You don't have to use cool Unicode names for your variables if you don't want to. For example, chi1 works just as well as χ⃗₁. Similarly, many functions in this package have Unicode names or take optional Unicode keyword arguments. But every such name or argument will also have an ASCII equivalent; see the documentation of those functions for the appropriate substitutions.

using PostNewtonian

# Initial values of the masses, spins, and orbital angular frequency
M₁ = 0.4
M₂ = 0.6
χ⃗₁ = [0.0, 0.5, 0.8]
χ⃗₂ = [0.8, 0.0, 0.5]
Ωᵢ = 0.01

# Integrate the orbital dynamics
inspiral = orbital_evolution(M₁, M₂, χ⃗₁, χ⃗₂, Ωᵢ)

# Interpolate for nicer plotting
t′ = inspiral.t[end]-6_000 : 0.5 : inspiral.t[end]
inspiral = inspiral(t′)

# Compute the waveform in the inertial frame
h = inertial_waveform(inspiral)

We can plot the result like this:

using Plots  # Requires also installing `Plots` in your project

plot(inspiral.t, real.(h[1, :]), label=raw"$\Re\left\{h_{2,-2}\right\}$")
plot!(inspiral.t, imag.(h[1, :]), label=raw"$\Im\left\{h_{2,-2}\right\}$")
plot!(inspiral.t, abs.(h[1, :]), label=raw"$\left|h_{2,-2}\right|$", linewidth=3)
plot!(inspiral.t, abs.(h[5, :]), label=raw"$\left|h_{2,2}\right|$")
plot!(xlabel=raw"$\text{Time }(M)$", ylabel="Mode weights", ylim=(-0.45,0.45))

We see various features to be expected of a precessing system like this, including slow modulations of the modes on the precession timescale, as well as faster oscillations in the amplitudes and asymmetry between the $m=\pm 2$ modes on the orbital timescale.