A note about units


This package uses geometric units with $G=c=1$. Units are essentially determined by the values you input. Masses and frequencies in particular must have inverse units. For example, if frequency is measured in Hertz, mass should be measured in seconds. The common relativist's convention of measuring in units of "total mass" (whatever that means to you) is also perfectly fine.

Output time is in units of the total mass; to get the time in seconds, multiply by the total mass as measured in seconds. Waveforms are output as the asymptotic quantity $rh/M$; to get an observable strain, multiply by the total mass and divide by the distance to the source.

You may want to skip to Example 2 for a complete example using astrophysical units.

The units of measurement used in this package are implicitly established by the input. Specifically, the arguments M₁, M₂, and Ωᵢ in the call

inspiral = orbital_evolution(M₁, M₂, χ⃗₁, χ⃗₂, Ωᵢ)

are inherently dimensionful, and the units are effectively determined by the values entered. For example, if we enter 0.4 as M₁, we have established the units as — quite simply — those units in which M₁ has the value 0.4. The only real requirement on the units of the input arguments is that they must be consistent. In particular, the quantity (M₁+M₂)*Ωᵢ should be dimensionless.

It must also be noted that this package uses geometric units where $G=c=1$; in fact, $G$ and $c$ never appear in the code at all. This means that you must input values in geometric units, and interpret the output as being in geometric units. This does not completely constrain the units, however. There is still a freedom to scale the units however you wish. For example, it is most common to describe all quantities in units of some mass $M$ — such as the sum of the input masses M₁+M₂ or the Solar mass $M_\odot$. The input arguments would then all be given in units of that mass, or more likely some product of that mass with $G$ and $c$.

The complete set of (required or optional) dimensionful arguments to orbital_evolution is

M₁, M₂, Ωᵢ, Λ₁, Λ₂, Ω₁, Ωₑ, abstol, saveat

If we scale the values by some σ, then to maintain the same physical meaning we should transform all the arguments as

M₁ ↦ M₁ * σ
M₂ ↦ M₂ * σ
Ωᵢ ↦ Ωᵢ / σ
Λ₁ ↦ Λ₁
Λ₂ ↦ Λ₂
Ω₁ ↦ Ω₁ / σ
Ωₑ ↦ Ωₑ / σ
abstol ↦ [abstol[1:2] * σ; abstol[3:end]]
saveat ↦ saveat * σ

Note that the scaling happens automatically for default values of the parameters; you would only need to rescale them if you were actually setting them.

When the scaled arguments are provided to orbital_evolution, the resulting inspiral is affected as

inspiral.t ↦ inspiral.t * σ
inspiral[:M₁] ↦ inspiral[:M₁] * σ
inspiral[:M₂] ↦ inspiral[:M₂] * σ

All other evolved variables are dimensionless, and so are unaffected by the scaling. In particular, if the initial conditions are entered with values of M₁ and M₂ in their desired final units, no change needs to be made. On the other hand, if the values are entered so that M₁+M₂=1, we can rescale any BBH system to any desired total mass Mₜₒₜ using

inspiral.t ↦ inspiral.t * Mₜₒₜ * G / c^3

Furthermore, if M₁ and M₂ represent the source-frame mass, and we need to apply a cosmological redshift z, we simply apply

inspiral.t ↦ inspiral.t * (1+z)

The waveform $H$ returned by either coorbital_waveform or inertial_waveform is the rescaled asymptotic limit of the strain. The observable strain is

\[h \approx H\, \frac{M}{r}\, \frac{G}{c^2} \qquad \mathrm{or} \qquad h \approx H\, \frac{M_z}{d_\mathrm{L}}\, \frac{G}{c^2}.\]

(The equality is only approximate because we assume that terms in $1/r^2$ can be ignored, which is almost certainly true of any detection in the foreseeable future.) Here, $r$ is the radius of the observer in asymptotically Minkowski coordinates centered on the source and $M$ is the total mass of the binary; alternatively, $M_z=M(1+z)$ is the redshifted mass and $d_\mathrm{L}$ is the luminosity distance between the source and observer. For more complete description, see here.

Example 1: Scale dependence

It's important to check that the claims above are actually true. Here, we put them to the test with a very large scale factor.

σ = 10.0^10  # Scale factor

M₁ = 0.4
M₂ = 0.6
χ⃗₁ = [0.0, 0.5, 0.8]
χ⃗₂ = [0.8, 0.0, 0.5]
Ωᵢ = 0.01
Ω₁ = 3Ωᵢ/4
Ωₑ = 0.9
dt = 5.0

inspiral1 = orbital_evolution(M₁, M₂, χ⃗₁, χ⃗₂, Ωᵢ, Ω₁=Ω₁, Ωₑ=Ωₑ, saveat=dt)
inspiral2 = orbital_evolution(M₁*σ, M₂*σ, χ⃗₁, χ⃗₂, Ωᵢ/σ, Ω₁=Ω₁/σ, Ωₑ=Ωₑ/σ, saveat=dt*σ)

plot(inspiral1.t, inspiral1[:v], label="Original")
plot!(inspiral2.t/σ, inspiral2[:v], label="Scaled", linewidth=4, ls=:dot)
plot!(xlabel="Time", ylabel="PN parameter 𝑣")

# Check that the evolved `v` parameters are nearly equal (when interpolating
# the second to *exactly* the same times as the first)
inspiral1[:v] ≈ inspiral2(inspiral1.t*σ, idxs=:v)

The fact that these curves are on top of each other, and the final expression returned true shows that this system does indeed depend on scale as suggested above.

Example 2: Astrophysical units

Suppose we want to construct a system consistent with GW150914, having source-frame masses $35.6\,M_\odot$ and $30.0\,M_\odot$, as it would be observed from a distance of $440\,\mathrm{Mpc}$ with an initial frequency in the dominant $(\ell,m)=(2,\pm 2)$ modes of $f_i \approx 20\,\mathrm{Hz}$.

Because the masses and frequencies must be in inverse units, we arbitrarily choose to measure frequencies in their natural unit of Hertz, and therefore masses are measured in seconds — multiplying the masses by $G/c^3$ for geometric units. The distance to the source $d_\mathrm{L}$ will also be converted to seconds by dividing by $c$, so that we can simply multiply the waveform by $M_z/d_\mathrm{L}$ to get the observed strain.

The frequency $f_i$ is the observed initial frequency of the $(2,2)$ mode. We will need the corresponding angular orbital frequency in the frame. Recall that, by definition of redshift $z$, we have

\[\frac{f_{\mathrm{source}}} {f_{\mathrm{observer}}} = 1+z \qquad \text{and} \qquad \frac{\Delta t_{\mathrm{observer}}}{\Delta t_{\mathrm{source}}} = 1+z.\]

Thus, the initial source-frame orbital angular frequency $\Omega_i$ is related to the observer-frame $(2,2)$ temporal frequency $f_i$ by[1]

\[%\Omega_i = 2\pi f_{\mathrm{source}}^{(2,2)} / 2 \qquad f_i = f_{\mathrm{observer}}^{(2,2)} %\qquad %\frac{f_{\mathrm{source}}^{(2,2)}} {f_{\mathrm{observer}}^{(2,2)}} = %\frac{\Omega_i/\pi} {f_i} = 1+z %\qquad \Omega_i = \pi\, f_i\, (1+z).\]

using Quaternionic
using SphericalFunctions
using PostNewtonian
using Plots

# Useful astronomical constants
c = float(299_792_458)   # meters/second
GMₛᵤₙ = 1.32712440041e20  # meters³/second²
au = float(149_597_870_700)  # meters
pc = 1au / (π / 648_000)  # meters
Mpc = 1_000_000pc  # meters

# Approximate maximum a posteriori spins (via SXS:BBH:0308)
χ⃗₁ = [0.0, 0.0, 0.3224]
χ⃗₂ = [0.2663, 0.2134, -0.5761]

# Parameters of this system (arXiv:1606.01210)
M₁ = 35.6GMₛᵤₙ / c^3  # seconds
M₂ = 30.0GMₛᵤₙ / c^3  # seconds
dL = 440Mpc / c  # seconds
z = 0.094
fᵢ = 20  # Hertz
Δtₒ = 1/2048  # seconds

# Conversions
Mz = (M₁+M₂) * (1+z)  # seconds
Ωᵢ = π * fᵢ * (1+z)  # Hertz
Δtₛ = Δtₒ / (1+z)  # seconds

# Evaluate waveform and convert to observer's frame and units
inspiral = orbital_evolution(M₁, M₂, χ⃗₁, χ⃗₂, Ωᵢ, saveat=Δtₛ)
tₒ = (1+z) * inspiral.t
Hₗₘ = inertial_waveform(inspiral)
hₗₘ = Hₗₘ * Mz / dL

# Evaluate waveform at a point; see Scri.jl for simpler methods
R = Quaternionic.from_spherical_coordinates(2.856, 0.0)
₋₂Yₗₘ = SphericalFunctions.ₛ𝐘(-2, 8, Float64, [R])[1, :]
h = (₋₂Yₗₘ' * hₗₘ)[1,:]

# Plot the results
plot(tₒ, real.(h), label="ℎ₊")
plot!(tₒ, -imag.(h), label="ℎₓ")
plot!(xlabel="Time (seconds)", ylabel="Strain (dimensionless)", ylim=(-1.5e-21,1.5e-21))
plot!(title="Observer-frame waveform", legend=(0.205, 0.9))
┌ Warning: No strict ticks found
└ @ PlotUtils ~/.julia/packages/PlotUtils/8mrSm/src/ticks.jl:194
┌ Warning: No strict ticks found
└ @ PlotUtils ~/.julia/packages/PlotUtils/8mrSm/src/ticks.jl:194
  • 1Here, we have approximated the frequency of the $(\ell,m)=(2,\pm 2)$ modes as being twice the orbital frequency. In the post-Newtonian approximation, waveform mode $H_{\ell,m}$ is frequently written as $A_{\ell,m}\, \exp[-i\, m\, \Phi]$, where $\Phi$ is the orbital phase that varies in time with $d\Phi/dt = \Omega$. Just looking at the exponential, we might expect the frequency of $H_{\ell,m}$ to be $m\, \Omega$. However, the "amplitude" term $A_{\ell,m}$ is not an amplitude in the usual sense; it is actually complex, with a slowly varying phase. This means that the frequency of $H_{\ell,m}$ is not precisely $m\, \Omega$ — though this is a reasonable approximation for systems with reasonably low frequency.